New trauma-based parenting assessment
As the director of Holistic Independent Social Work service, I have personally experienced the Family Law Court process and Social Services involvement. I found that
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Our service is underpinned by the core values of UK Social Work and we have designed a specialist trauma-based assessment support. We have also developed a parental alienation and domestic abuse parenting assessment model.
A new and unique parenting assessment model that combines social work approaches with optional therapeutic services at the assessment stage.
We offer seven days a week, 24/7 welfare visits to families during court process with quality assured reports on each visit.
We use the PAMS assessment tool (Parents Assessment Manual) when undertaking parenting assessments with parents who have a learning need.
We are able to be a sounding board for parents who want to discuss and better understand the assessments/ statements and reports written about them and their family throughout the court process.
We have access to trained Domestic Abuse workers, Drugs and Alcohol workers and Gang workers to assess highlighted risks from parents.
We can provide an independent Social Work audit of your case.
We provide a one stop online service to meet all of your wellbeing needs at your convience from the comfort of your home
We offer services such as mediation, co-parenting plans and supervised contact.
Our mediation service is available pre, during and post court. In addition, we can provide time-limited therapeutic support to assist families with their ‘new normal’ status. We can also offer Life Story work for the children.
Our service is underpinned by the core values of UK Social Work. We have designed a specialist trauma-based assessment / support model, a new parental alenation parenting assessment model and a coercive control parenting assessment model. All assessments are quality assured by senior social work manager.
We work with the parent to look at their ability and understanding of their role in adequately providing for and safely meeting the needs of their children. We are also able to explore with parents trauma, parental alienation and coercive control during the assessment process.
We offer seven days a week, 24/7 welfare visits to families during the court process with quality assured reports on each visit.
We use the PAMS assessment tool (Parent Assessment Manual) when undertaking parenting assessments with parents who have a learning need.
We are able to be a sounding board for parents who want to discuss and better understand the assessments/ statements and reports written about them and their family throughout the court process.
We have a trained team of Domestic Abuse workers, Drugs and Alcohol workers and gang workers to assess highlighted risks from parents.
We have experienced qualified Social Work practitioners who can undertake Section 7 and Section 37 court reports.
Wellbeing online centre
0208 090 7116
Our team has a combined 70 years of Social Work practice and expertise
We offer an independent Social Work service with an emphasis on listening to the parents and giving them a voice with pre, during and post legal framework support. We can also provide emotional and therapeutic support to parents throughout the Family Law process.
We have created a new holistic family trauma-based assessment where the children remain the focus of each parent during this process through a combination of therapies and social work approaches which should assist in reducing parental conflict.
We also offer a unique parental alienation and coercive control specialist parenting assessment model developed by Holistic Independent Social Work.
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As the director of Holistic Independent Social Work service, I have personally experienced the Family Law Court process and Social Services involvement. I found that
Domestic abuse has remained at the forefront of social work as it relates to an aspect of child protection. Coercive control has come to the
Cafcass suggests that Parental Alienation (PA) is a form of abuse and ‘can lead directly to a child or adolescent suffering from mental health problems’
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